
Mediation Is An Alternative To Costly And Drawn Out Litigation

Have you come to the conclusion that you have to get divorced but you are not looking forward to a costly and nasty process? Are you looking for a civil way to work out your divorce without a court battle? Are you hoping to preserve some kind of relationship with your spouse for the sake of your children? At an impasse in a family conflict? Do you want to try a different method to resolve your divorce arguments? Do you wish you could just settle all of this without having to go to trial?

Resolving Family Conflicts Through Mediation Can Help You Maintain Important Relationships

Your divorce issues and disagreements about how you should separate your finances and how you should separately parent your children can be settled without a destructive argument. Mediation allows the parties to take control of their negotiation process and problems solving. Each party is allowed to voice his/her goals and concerns in an environment of mutual respect and cooperation. Common goals are identified and your relationship is not further torn down by demeaning arguments.

At [nap_names id=”FIRM-NAME-1″], our lawyers provide mediation services to help you and your spouse come to a mutually agreeable conclusion for your divorce. We assist with a parenting plan which will be in the best interests of your children and will allow you each to fulfill your parenting role.

Our Trained Mediators Can Help You Focus On Clear, Respectful Communication

Mediation is an alternative way to resolve your divorce. With mediation, the parties have a series of private meetings with the mediator to outline each party’s goals. The mediator offers support and guidance, but not legal advice, as the parties cooperate with one another to reach solutions that are in the best interests of their family. The mediator helps the parties to focus on reaching a fair and reasonable agreement on all issues, financial and parenting, which is mutually acceptable to the parties. Mediation allows the parties involved in a divorce to take control of the process and problem-solving.

Our firm provides trained mediators who are experienced with the mediation process and its challenges and benefits. Mediation is an effective process to resolve conflicts about divorce issues in a cooperative and respectful way. Each party is guided to take control over the outcome.

The benefits of resolving contentious divorce situations in a civilized way include a quicker resolution, increased communication between the parties and an agreement on how to move forward in productive and mutually beneficial way.

Call Us Today For The Mediation Alternative

At [nap_names id=”FIRM-NAME-1″], our family law attorneys offer families the opportunity to participate in mediation and be invested in the process as well as the outcome. Call our firm at [nap_phone id=”LOCAL-REGULAR-NUMBER-Local”] to schedule a free consultation to learn more about this approach to solving your divorce. You may also reach out to us via email.


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