If you’ve recently experienced a dog bite injury in Connecticut, you’re probably still reeling from the incident. Along with the many physical effects, many victims also suffer from serious emotional consequences as a result. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is just one possible outcome that can affect a person’s life for many years to come.
According to the Mayo Clinic, PTSD occurs after a terrifying event. It’s characterized by recurring memories of what happened, problems sleeping or concentrating, feelings of isolation, nightmares, guilt, irritability, anger, and many other negative effects. Additionally, a person who witnessed such an event can also fall victim to these symptoms. For many people, dog bites and attacks are considered extremely traumatizing.
The Canine Journal cites figures on the likelihood of a dog attack in the United States. Of the estimated 4.7 million dog attacks that occur on a yearly basis, up to 800,000 require some form of medical attention. In terms of the breeds that bite most often, these include pit bulls, Chihuahuas, Australian Shepherds, German Shepherds, and others.
Dog bites can occur for all types of reasons, and it can be tough for a person to discern when a dog is ready to attack in some cases. For instance, some dogs are overstimulated by rough play, which can lead to painful bites. Dogs may also bite because of fear or stress, or because they feel threatened. Some dogs even bite because they’re protecting others, either their owners or other dogs. While you should be careful not to provoke dogs with your actions, doing so isn’t always enough to prevent an attack from occurring.